
Posts Tagged ‘LinkedIn’

„Relationships that Drive Business“ … oder Kulturinstitutionen?!

August 7, 2012 1 Kommentar

Seit einiger Zeit verwende ich Hootsuite. Ein interessantes Social Media Monitoring Tool.

Vor wenigen Tagen habe ich von Hootsuite einen Newsletter erhalten. Ich bin ehrlich, die meisten Newsletter (ob von Facebook, Xing, Twitter usw.) landen bei mir direkt im Spam. Doch heute eine Ausnahme: das Webinar von Hootsuite zum Thema „5 Key Steps to Engaging Followers on LinkedIn“ wollte ich mir mal anschauen. Und siehe da, tatsächlich da gibt es doch ein paar spannenden Tipps und Tricks. Nur das ganze Corporate-Werbegequasel am Anfang, in der Mitte und am Schluss könnte man weglassen. Weiterlesen …

History of Online Social Networking

September 13, 2010 Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

„The first online social network,, was established in 1997 (Boyd & Ellison, 2007). […]. The concept that all things are within „six degrees of separation“ was behind this innovative idea. The site attracted many users. A number of sites similar to were introduced to the public in the late 1990s and early 2000s, including LiveJournal, Asian Avenue, BlackPlanet, and LunaStorm. […]

MySpace was launchen 2003 by the Company eUniverse. Its user base grew exponentially within just a couple of years, transforming the Web site into the most popular online social networking community in the United States. […]. By 2006 MySpace had more than 20 million users. It was aquired by News Corporation for US$580 million in July 2005 (Rosebush, 2005).

Facebook, another popular social networking Website, was founded by a former Harvard student who used it as a tool to reconnect with former classmates. It was launched in February 2004 (Yadav, 2006). […]. Initially, to join the network, a person was required to have an active college e-mail address. In 2006, the network extended to high schools students and some larger companies. Now, anyone age 13 or older can join the network.

LinkedIn is a professionally oriented social networking site. It was founded in 2003 by Reid Hoffmann and Konstantin Guericke. […] LinkedIn tries to help people to connect with others who might help their careers […].

Other popular social networking sites include Furl,, Shadow, Scuttle, Yahoo! My Web 2.0, Ma.gnolia, Digg, StumbleUpon, and reddit.“

Baker, Kim and Butler, Iryna (2009): Social Networks. History of Social Networking. In: Deans, P. Candace (Hrsg.), Social Software and Web 2.0 Technology Trends. New York, Information Science Reference: 187-188.