
Posts Tagged ‘Web’

It’s the end of the web as we know it

It’s the end of the web as we know it“ ist ein beeindruckender Blogpost von Adrian Short. Selbst The Guardian publizierte am 27.09.2011 diesen äusserst spannenden Artikel zum Thema Social Media unter dem Titel „Why Facebook’s new Open Graph makes us all part of the web underclass„. Inhaltlich beschäftigt sich dieser unter anderem mit Fragen wie: Wo führt der heutige Social Media Hype (Trend) hin und was bedeuted das für die User, also für uns? Hier ein paar spannende Ausschnitte aus dem Artikel:

„Not so long ago you had to be on MySpace if you were an up-and-coming band. Now it’s probably Facebook. Either way, your social network presence is more important than your own website.
[…] Weiterlesen …

The Creation of ARPANET

„To get to the origins of the Internet, we have to go back in time to 1957. You probably have no cause to remember, but it was International Geophysical Year, a year dedicated to gathering information about the upper atmosphere during a period of intense solar activity. Eisenhower announced in 1955 that, as part of the activities, the USA hoped to launch a small Earth orbiting satellite. The Kremlin announced that it hoped to do likewise. Planning in America focussed on a sophisticated three stage rocket, but in Russia they took a more direct approach. Strapping four military rockets together, on 4 October 1957 the USSR launched Sputnik I (a 70 kgs bleeping sphere the size of a medicine ball) into Earth orbit.“

Zugriff: 09.10.2010

Kategorien:Geschichte Schlagwörter: , , , ,

History of the World Wide Web – Internet

„In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (see the original proposal). He coined the term „World Wide Web,“ wrote the first World Wide Web server, „httpd,“ and the first client program (a browser and editor), „WorldWideWeb,“ in October 1990. He wrote the first version of the „HyperText Markup Language“ (HTML), the document formatting language with the capability for hypertext links that became the primary publishing format for the Web. His initial specifications for URIs, HTTP, and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as Web technology spread.“

Mehr auf der Quellhomepage.

Zugriff: 27.08.2010