
Posts Tagged ‘Geschichte’

Museum Funding Trends – USA

„Even well-endowed institutions are always in need of financial assistance. Museums have been hard hit by cutbacks in government spending. The budget of the NEA, the largest source of government funds, was slashed by 40 percent in fiscal 1996. Private philanthropy is also down. To make up for this loss, museums have sought new ways of raising money. „With less government money around, we all have to be more entrepreneurial and figure out ways to stretch our advertising dollars. We are slowly learning lessons others have known for years,“ David A. Ross, director of New York City’s Whitney Museum of American Art, told the New York Times.

Museums have entered into alliances with hotels, airlines, phone card companies, and credit card operations. Corporations, which once considered underwriting museum activities as primarily a gesture of goodwill, are increasingly finding their connections with museums an effective form of advertising. Also, branches of museum gift shops have opened up in many malls across the United States, with a portion of the proceeds going to the museums. […]

Zugriff: 04.09.2010

History of the World Wide Web – Internet

„In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (see the original proposal). He coined the term „World Wide Web,“ wrote the first World Wide Web server, „httpd,“ and the first client program (a browser and editor), „WorldWideWeb,“ in October 1990. He wrote the first version of the „HyperText Markup Language“ (HTML), the document formatting language with the capability for hypertext links that became the primary publishing format for the Web. His initial specifications for URIs, HTTP, and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as Web technology spread.“

Mehr auf der Quellhomepage.

Zugriff: 27.08.2010

WordPress.ORG – Eigendefinition

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

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Facebook – History

„Facebook war ein unerwartetes Superwachstums-Phänomen an Amerikanischen Hochschulen mit einem gemeldeten Buyout-Angebot von 750 Millionen Dollar. Mark Zuckerberg hatte die Idee und codierte sie anfang 2004 innerhalb weniger Wochen in seiner Studentenbude in Harvard. Als Online-„Facebook“ für die 10.000 Harvard-Studenten gedacht, sprang es bis zum Juni 2004 auf 30 Hochschulen mit 150.000 Studenten über. Bis ende Mai 2005 hatte es 2.8 Millionen Nutzer an über 800 Hochschulen erreicht, d.h., an den teilnehmenden Hochschulen waren etwa 80% der Studierenden angemeldet.

Im April 200 gab es 7,5 Millionen tägliche Nutzer an 2000 Colleges und mehr als 20.000 Hochschulen im Facebook-System. Im Juli 2007 erreichte Facebook 30 Millionen Nutzer.*


Shuen, Amy (2008): Die Web 2.0 Strategie. Innovative Geschäftsmodelle im Internet. Köln, O’Reilly: 65-67.

Begriff- What is a Weblog / Blog

„Blogging and the Wisdom of Crowds

One of the most highly touted features of the Web 2.0 era is the rise of blogging. Personal home pages have been around since the early days of the web, and the personal diary and daily opinion column around much longer than that, so just what is the fuss all about?

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Einfluss Entstehung Internet – Zitat

„Als das Internet und das Web erstmal auftauchten, boten sie den Leuten eine grossartige Möglichkeit, Dinge schneller zu finden, einfacher mit Freunden und Familie zu kommunizieren und ganz allgemein effektiver miteinander zu arbeiten. Während diese Technologien ihren Kinderschuhen entwuchsen, lernten die Menschen, sie besser zu nutzen, und das Web hörte auf, einfach nur ein Ort zu sein, an dem man die gleichen alten Dinge einfacher erledigen konnte.“

Shuen, Amy (2008): Die Web 2.0 Strategie. Innovative Geschäftsmodelle im Internet. Köln, O’Reilly: 55.