
Posts Tagged ‘Value’

Unlock the Value of Blogs

September 10, 2010 Hinterlasse einen Kommentar

„In an efford to assist corporations to unlock the value of blogs, Gartener researchers have offered three main suggestions. First, identify a point of focus for the blog, and then work to understand the current bloggers and etiquette within the particular environment. Second, keep expectations at a reasonable level. While blogging can act as a low-cost supplement to other forms of communication, it is not a replacement. Finally, keep in mind that creating and maintaining an effective blog does require a fair ammount of skill and effort. Be realistic about your companies abilities, and if neccessary, do not hesitate to outsource initial blog hosting efforts (Valdes, Austing & Drakos, 2007).“

Biedenharn, Joe; Snyder, Jeff and White, Alex (2009): Technology Tutorial. Weblogs (Blogs). In: Deans, P. Candace (Hrsg.), Social Software and Web 2.0 Technology Trends. New York, Information Science Reference: 155.

Unlocking the Value of Blogs

„In an efford to assist corporations in unlocking the value of blogs, Gartner researchers have offered three main suggestions. First, identify a point of focus for the blog and then work to understand the current bloggers and etiquette within the particular environment. Second, keep expectations at a reasonable level. While blogging can act as a low-cost supplement to other forms of communication, it is not a replacement. Finally, keep in mind that creating and maintaining an effective blog does require a fair amount of skill and effort. Be realistic about your companies abilities, and if necessary, do not hesitate to outsource initial blog hosting efforts […]“

Biedenharn, Joe; Snyder, Jeff and White, Alex (2009): Technology Tutorial. Weblogs (Blogs). In: Deans, P. Candace (Hrsg.), Social Software and Web 2.0 Technology Trends. New York, Information Science Reference: 155.

Web 2.0 – Value for Businesses?

„There may never be a direct correlation between the deployment of social software and the bottom line of the ledger sheet […], but the company will surely see the value reflected in subjective measures, like customer’s satisfaction, increased productivity, enhanced cost cutting, improved emloyee moral, and more.“

Quelle: Burkhardt, Peter (2009): Social Software Trends in Business: Introduction. In: Deans, P. Candace (Hrsg.), Social Software and Web 2.0 Technology Trends. New York, Information Science Reference: 15.

The Problem with Measuring the Benefits of Social Media

„While the benefits are undeniable, many will struggle with measuring those benefits. […]

The problem with measuring the value of social software and social networking is the extreme difficulty of putting an objective measure on a subjective topic. It is just not possible to put a direct measurement on human elements, like relationships or tacit knowledge. […]

Social networking is about personal relationships and personal relationships are about people. In order to make the investment in social software, a company has to value their employees, partners, and customers and be ready to make an investment in people.“

Quelle: Burkhardt, Peter (2009): Social Software Trends in Business: Introduction. In: Deans, P. Candace (Hrsg.), Social Software and Web 2.0 Technology Trends. New York, Information Science Reference: 8-9.